its true...non would come if it were in a church...they would come after where ever the food is being served at someones cousin was herion addict and lesbian and they showed up for her memorial and gave talks..she hated the jw's but they preached to her gay friends and gave talks during the memorial.. they made it a joke for the rest of us...these people hated my family, hated the org, and hated her dad but they came anyway only to be preached at. her death meant nothing to the family it was another way to grandstand on how good the org is...sad but true....
the mole
JoinedPosts by the mole
Who would go to *your* funeral?
by Country Girl infor those of you that are disfellowshipped, disassociated, a fader, or formerly non-baptized publishers.. if you had your funeral in a church, would your jw friends or relatives come to it?
i was telling him the other day that i want to have my funeral service in my church, and that my jw relatives would *not* come to it.
he could hardly believe that.. country girl
the mole
waiting to see if the person who replied to me still will make a comment
the mole
the mole
the east meets the west. the west will win! bible truth? islam? tolerance? defeat from within? what?
WTS as an example of impermanence
by Markfromcali infor those who are familiar with buddhism like siddha and others.. there was a post about fading of the 1914 doctrine or something, and it occurred to me: doctrines and teachings fade, members fade.. the wts is a great example of impermanence!
and in the long run, how long can they last anyway?
the mole
how long did purtitism last in 1790? how long did catholic torture last in america and europe, 1875? how long did the 70's moonies and other modern weirdo religions last? the jw's will be gone in 100 years also! Why? so many will die for the lie of armageddon. so many will die for paradise. so many will regret seeing bodies of their loved ones lying on the streets, so many will sicken when they see mom and dad dieing in their beds from sickness. the prayer of destruction to mankind will take on new meaning and regret of neglecting what they could have fixed will be the judgement jehovah will see but they failed to do what christ had asked......the mole
Congregation sizes - Real reason from C.O. testimonial
by DaCheech inlast night my mother has confided in me that her best's friends brother was a circuit overseer.. she told my mom that the society instructs all c.o.
to keep congregation sizes small for the.
pure reason that: if so everybody can be closely watched, monitored, and known!.
the mole
during my days growing up, during my family time and at the time of my exit it has always been around 150 max then the hall would split...this is too keep the feeling of family and close unity...which in turn make observation of attendence and participation very evident, especially to elders. Promotions of any kind is always attendence, service and participation..During my days of m.s i kept service hours records...the mole
On the fading of 1914 ............
by TheOldHippie inforgetful as i am, i just forgot the title of the new brochure issued at this summer's conventions, but it is something like "keep on the watch", and it deals with the imminent return of christ, the signs of our times, and the need for being on the watch, being prepared for the "any day now" return.. the signs of our times are mentioned, but not earthquakes, so they are "out" again, it seems.
but, the first pages make out the basis for the belief in our days being the last ones, the final ones, and 607 is mentioned, 539 and 537 - but not 1914, not the "seven times" or "2520 years".. do you remember 1995, when the "generation change" came?
in summer, the "knowledge" book was issued, and it also dealt with the signs etc., but for the first time, there was no mention of the then "present truth" that some alive in 1914 would still be alive and witness the return.
the mole
..hey neo......a friend at the time named rick hammersly did two years at bethel then worked at the farm for 6 months..he didnt qualify for some reason to do pioneer work abroad..but when he came back and this was in we sat and watched a raiders game and drinking some beer he blurted out that a few young ones wanted to partake...he laughed because the brothers there called them young but they were all in their 30's....those who wanted too were not discouraged and had private meetings with the friend said everything was real tight lipped around there about the subject but he said many of those in new york was assigned their own halls right after that....
On the fading of 1914 ............
by TheOldHippie inforgetful as i am, i just forgot the title of the new brochure issued at this summer's conventions, but it is something like "keep on the watch", and it deals with the imminent return of christ, the signs of our times, and the need for being on the watch, being prepared for the "any day now" return.. the signs of our times are mentioned, but not earthquakes, so they are "out" again, it seems.
but, the first pages make out the basis for the belief in our days being the last ones, the final ones, and 607 is mentioned, 539 and 537 - but not 1914, not the "seven times" or "2520 years".. do you remember 1995, when the "generation change" came?
in summer, the "knowledge" book was issued, and it also dealt with the signs etc., but for the first time, there was no mention of the then "present truth" that some alive in 1914 would still be alive and witness the return.
the mole
neo that was good grandmother who is in her early 80's said just a few weeks back that she thought she would see the new kingdom by now and she kept saying i hope jehovah will remember franz said in his book and currently what going on the org has no choice to make these changes..the k.m keeps suggesting to remain faithfull in the preaching work with no reference to any dates now like it use to too in the early 90's..the anointed is fading away and my old friend coming back from bethel have said that some young ones were being incouraged to partake of the meal...just before i step down as m.s it was told to us in our last meeting with the elders that there are so few of the anointed that the spirtual food and caring of the sheep that the burden will fall on those with the earthly hope...that was in 2002...
Convention time this weekend
by Doubtfully Yours inspent a bunch of money getting the car ready for the trip, buying silly clothes to avoid the looks i'd get if we show up with the same old kh outfits; plus the money spent in hotel stay and the food consumed at lunch and dinner out the 4 days.
it's an awful expense when you factor in the time taken off from work for this event too.. the outcome of all this effort?
just the same old talks and warnings i hear day in and day out at the kingdom hall.. i'll try to make the best of it, but i'm sure to be bored out of my mind most of the time.
the mole
not going this year either. i posted some of the rumors i heard which all came back as nonsense. my convention was last month at cow palace..i was invited to this weekends d c with my of auburn and surrounding areas is this weekend so most of my family will be there thats another reason for me not to go...and your right the money to go there and stay plus food does add up...just remember they advised a simple pack lunch and not to attend any place to eat surrounding the convention..the org wants the money donated to them..lets us know of any breaking news! i havent heard the way the money i would have spent at the assembly is going to be used at the HOT AUGUST NIGHTS IN RENO...yeahhhhh....i have fun...the mole